Aims and Background
SPICE (Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering) is an EPSRC, NERC & STFC co-funded 3½ year collaboration between the University of Bristol, the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford and the University of Edinburgh which began in October 2010.
The SPICE project is investigating the effectiveness of Solar Radiation Management (SRM). SRM involves offsetting the effects of greenhouse gas increases by causing the Earth to reflect back more radiation from the Sun.
SPICE is inspired by volcanic eruptions which emit sulphate particles into the stratosphere, temporarily lowering globally-averaged surface temperatures. However, there are concerns about mimicking this natural process. There could be substantial regional impacts on:
- Temperatures
- Rainfall
- Other aspects of climate
There are also uncertainties concerning timescales e.g.
- How rapidly injection might act
- How quickly it could be 'turned off'
- Whether climate responds differently to continued injection as opposed to large, sporadic volcanic eruptions
The SPICE project has three parts:
Aiming to understand the ways light and heat radiation interact with aerosol particles
Working package 1
Hoping to discover how best to deliver particles into the stratosphere
Working package 2
Determining what could happen if we were to use the chosen particles and delivery system
Working package 3The output of this project will inform descision-makers and stakeholders about the feasibility of this technique and any environmental or social impacts it might have.